99mTc-MAG3 Renogram Radiotracer






                    Radiation Doses                                 Package Insert                                  Uptake Mechanism  (*)

            99mTc-MAG-3 is cleared out of the body almost exclusively through the kidney, via effective renal flow (glomerular filtration and tubular secretion). In this regard uptake and excretion images have high quality based on the radiotracer concentration (1).

            Recently, it has been reported on rats, that the radiopharmaceutical 99mTc(CO)3-nitrilotriacetic acid, 99mTc(CO)3(NTA), has properties  essentially identical to those of 131I ortho-iodohippuran (131I-OIH), the clinical gold standard for the measurement of effective renal plasma flow. Taylor et al published preliminary results in 9 healthy volunteers suggesting that the pharmacokinetic behavior of 99mTc(CO)3(NTA) is comparable to that of 131I-OIH (2).


















1   Estorch M. Detección de las Cicatrices Renales y Valoracion de la Nefropatia Obstructiva, p: 411-418; Orellana P et al. Reflujo Vesicoureteral, p: 419-424 in: Medicina Nuclear Aplicaciones Clínicas. Eds: I. Carrio - P. González. Editorial Masson, Barcelona España, 2003.

2   Andrew T. Taylor, Malgorzata Lipowska, and Luigi G. Marzilli.99mTc(CO)3(NTA): A 99mTc Renal Tracer with Pharmacokinetic Properties Comparable to Those of 131I-OIH in Healthy Volunteers. J Nucl Med. 2010 March ; 51(3): 391–396.

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