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            Girl 10 month old. Normal DMSA scan, note homogeneous uptake in both kidneys, save prominent calyceal prints. Relative function is normal, RK= 51% and LK= 49%. RPO and LPO, right and left posterior obliques.

            A normal scan almost rules out acute infection. Sensitivity is over 90% and NPV around 90%.


1) Carreño H. et al. Medición de la Función renal relativa con Tc99m unido al ácido 2,3 Dimercaptosuccinico (Tc-99m DMSA). Un método util en la práctica clínica. Actas Urol. Esp. 1985; 9: 209-214.

2) Tondeur MC, De Palma D, Roca I, Piepsz A, Ham HH. Interobserver reproducibility in reporting on renal cortical scintigraphy in children: a large collaborative study. Nucl Med Commun. 2009 Apr; 30 (4): 258-62.

3) Lee MD, Lin CC, Huang FY, Tsai TC, Huang CT, Tsai JD. Screening young children with a first febrile urinary tract infection for high-grade vesicoureteral reflux with renal ultrasound scanning and technetium-99m-labeled dimercaptosuccinic acid scanning. J Pediatr. 2009 Jun;154(6):797-802.

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